UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2025-2026

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UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2025-2026

UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2025-2026: Unisa phd fees

The University of South Africa provides a diverse range of doctorate degrees in a variety of areas of study. A doctorate, often known as a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) or a professional doctorate, is the highest level of academic achievement and is usually sought by those who want to make substantial contributions to knowledge in their field of study.

Doctoral degrees at UNISA allow students to conduct original research, acquire advanced analytical and critical thinking abilities, and become experts in their chosen field. A doctorate is an academic degree awarded by Universities. It is also a research degree that qualifies someone to teach at the university level in the degree’s field or to work in a specific profession.

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UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2025-2026

Doctoral programmes at UNISA are primarily academic-focused, with students working closely with a supervisor or a team of supervisors who help them throughout their research journey. Students must do original research, contribute significantly to their field of study, and write a doctoral thesis or dissertation that exhibits their research results and ideas.

The length of a PhD programme at UNISA varies, but it typically takes three to six years to complete. The University of South Africa (UNISA) offers various Doctoral degree programmes. Some of these are listed below:

  • Doctor of Business Leadership (90071)
  • Doctor of Laws Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (98602 – CRI)
  • Doctor of Laws Jurisprudence (98602 – JUR)
  • Doctor of Laws Mercantile Law (98602 – MCL)
  • Doctor of Laws Private Law (98602 – PRL)
  • Doctor of Laws Public Constitutional and International Law (98602 – CIL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Development Studies) (90040 – DST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy) (90040 – PHL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy Science, Engineering and Technology (90040 – SET)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Auditing (90026 – AUE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (90026 – FAC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Governance (90026 – GOV)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Financial Intelligence (90026 – INT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (90026 – MAC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Taxation (90026 – TAX)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (90018)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (90031)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics (98972)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Archaeology (90032)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Art (90020): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy (98974)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (98976)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (90028)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (98803)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Consumer Science (98029)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Corrections Management (90039 – CMA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Criminology and Security Management (90039 – CSM)

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  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice Police Science, Forensic Science and Technology (90039 – PFS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (90022)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Adult Education) (90019 – ADE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Comparative Education) (90019 – CED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Curriculum Studies) (90019 – CUS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Early Childhood Development) (90019 – ECD)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Educational Management) (90019 – EDM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Environmental Education) (90019 – ENE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (History of Education) (90019 – HED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Inclusive Education) (90019 – IED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Language Education) (90019 – LED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Mathematics Education) (90019 – MED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Natural Science Education) (90019 – NSE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Open Distance Learning) (90019 – ODL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Philosophy of Education) (90019 – PED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Socio-Education) (90019 – SED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Technology Education) (90019 – TED)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management (98006)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science (98009)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (98012)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in History (90033): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (90035)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems (98804)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (African Languages) (90041 – AFL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Afrikaans) (90041 – AFK)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Arabic) (90041 – ARB)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Classical Studies) (90041 – CSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (English) (90041 – ENG)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (French) (90041 – FRN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Italian) (90041 – ITL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Linguistics) (90041 – LIN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Portuguese) (90041 – PRT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Semitic Languages) (90041 – SML)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Theory of Literature) (90041 – TLT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Languages, Linguistics and Literature (Translation Studies) (90041 – TLS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Law (90023)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences (90012)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Business Management) (90021 – BMA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Entrepreneurship) (90021 – ENT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Finance, Risk Management, and Banking) (90021 – FIN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Human Resource Management) (90021 – HRM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (International Business) (90021 – INB)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Logistics, Transport Economics, Purchasing, and Supply Chain) (90021 – SUP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Marketing) (90021 – MKT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Operations Management) (90021 – OPM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Tourism) (90021 – TOU)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (98979)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music (90027): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (90029)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research (98598)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscaping (90170)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (98981)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (African Politics) (90034 – APL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (International Politics) (90034 – INP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (Politics) (90034 – PCS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (98555)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Consulting Psychology) (90042 – CON)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology) (90042 – IOP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Psychology of Education) (90058 – PSY)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration (90024)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (90143)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Ancient Near Eastern Studies) (90044 – ANE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Biblical Archaeology) (90044 – BAR)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Islamic Studies) (90044 – ISL)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Judaica) (90044 – JDC)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (Religious Studies) (90044 – RST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies Biblical Studies (New Testament) (90044 – BSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies Biblical Studies (Old Testament) (90044 – BST)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (90068): UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2022-2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics (98984)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Christian Spirituality) (90043 – CSP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Church History) (90043 – CHI)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Missiology) (90043 – MSN)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (New Testament) (90043 – NTE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Old Testament) (90043 – OTE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Pastoral Therapy) (90043 – PPT)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Practical Theology) (90043 – PTH)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Systematic Theology) (90043 – STH)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Theological Ethics) (90043 – THE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Urban Ministry) (90043 – UBM)
  • Doctor of Psychology (90036)
  • Doctor of Social Work (90037)

UNISA Doctoral Degrees 2025-2026

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UNISA Contact Information

Please contact Unisa at the following address:

  • Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria
  • Sunnyside campus (applications, registrations & learning centre):
  • Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria
  • Tel: 0800 005 311
  • Email: unisa@whistleblowing.co.za

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is at the forefront of offering outstanding doctorate programmes, supporting research excellence, and empowering individuals to become leading experts in their fields of study. By enrolling in doctorate studies at UNISA, ambitious researchers receive access to a world-class learning environment, renowned instructors, and the tools needed to make a lasting influence on society.Visit Unisa’s Official Website.


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